Modified Tapioca Starch E1422 for Chicken Sausages

Modified Tapioca Starch E1422 for Chicken Sausages

Modified tapioca starch, also known as E1422 or acetylated distarch adipate, is a food additive derived from tapioca. It is commonly used in various food products for its thickening, stabilizing, and texturizing properties. In the context of chicken sausages, E1422 can play a crucial role in improving texture, moisture retention, and overall product quality.

1. Modified Tapioca Starch E1422:

1. Physicochemical properties:
Item Parameters Unit Specification Test method
1 Starch % ≥ 85,0 ISO 10520:1997
2 Moisture % ≤ 14,0 ISO 1666:1996
3 Viscosity BU ≥ 800 Brabender 6% (micro)
4 Fineness (150 mesh sieve) % ≥ 99,0 TCVN 1874-86
5 Impurity % ≤ 0,1 TCVN 4587-88
6 Whiteness % ≥ 90,0 YQ-Z-48B
7 Ash % ≤ 0,3 AOAC 923.03
8 Fiber % ≤ 0,05 TCVN 4590-88
9 pH 5.0 – 7.0 AOAC 943.02
10 SO2 ppm ≤ 10,0 AOAC 990.28
  • Able to withstand high temperatures, durable in acidic environments and when subjected to strong
  • Limits the swelling of starch granules when cooked, increases water holding capacity, prevents leaking,
  • The stability of the paste improves upon cooking, allowing the paste to withstand cycles during solidification and
  • Adds strength to soft doughs that become more viscous when
  • High transparency, improves product shine, lowers the gelling temperature of
  • Increases the viscosity of starch when cooked, helps soften the dough, makes the dough more viscous when cooked, and has good thickening ability.
  • Low gelatinization temperature (lowers the freezing temperature of starch, increasing the solidification of the
  • Good resistance to acids, sugars and salts, compatible with other
  • Excellent heat resistance and the product can withstand being mutilated or mechanically

2. Modified Starch E1422 for Chicken Sausages:

Modified Starch E1422 for Chicken Sausages

In sausage production, additive E1422 plays a very important role. With properties such as creating density, elasticity, holding bonds and moisturizing the product. E1422 is an element that helps increase deliciousness, maintain structure and improve product longevity. As follows:

  • Ingredient bonding: Modified starch E1422 has the ability to create a bonding network in the sausage mixture. This improves product uniformity and increases the quality of the sausage. This bond also helps retain other ingredients such as spices and flavorings, making the flavor of the sausage more intense. This will improve the quality and taste of the product.
  • Creating thickening: additive E1422 is often used to increase the consistency of sausages. The right consistency will make the finished product crispier and more delicious. E1422 also helps prevent sausages from becoming soft and mushy after processing.
  • Maintain structure: additive E1422 is capable of creating a stable network in the sausage mixture. Helps maintain the structure of sausages during processing such as cooking, frying, or grilling. This helps prevent the sausage from falling apart, keeping the final product beautifully shaped and attractive.
  • Increases storage and use time: thanks to the ability to retain water and create consistency. Modified starch E1422 helps prolong storage time and maintain product quality for a longer period of time. Sausages will last longer and the quality will still be as delicious as the original.

3. Frequently Asked Questions About Modified Tapioca Starch E1422 for Chicken Sausages

How much E1422 should be used in chicken sausages?

Q: How does E1422 improve chicken sausages?

E1422 improves chicken sausages by:

  • Enhancing texture, providing a smooth and consistent mouthfeel.
  • Retaining moisture, keeping the sausages juicy.
  • Stabilizing ingredients, preventing separation.
  • Improving freeze-thaw stability, maintaining quality after freezing and thawing.

Q: How much E1422 should be used in chicken sausages?

The typical usage level of E1422 in chicken sausages ranges from 7% to 10% of the total formulation. The exact amount can vary based on the desired texture and moisture retention properties.

Q: Can E1422 be used in other meat products?

Yes, E1422 can be used in a variety of meat products, not just chicken sausages. Its properties make it suitable for enhancing the texture, stability, and moisture retention in different types of processed meats.

Q: Where Can I Buy Modified Tapioca Starch E1422?

EXPORTVN is the best supplier of Modified Tapioca Starch in Vietnam. We offer high-quality products at competitive prices. We also have a team of experienced professionals who can help you choose the right Modified Starch E1422 used for chicken sausage for your needs.

Here are some of the reasons why customers should choose EXPORTVN:

  • Expert advice: We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you choose the right modified tapioca starch for your needs.
  • The team strictly controls the process of raw material selection, production, and preparation of customers’ orders.
  • Lead time: 2 weeks
  • We can adjust product parameters to suit customer requirements.
  • We can mix 2-3 products in your order.
  • Competitive prices: We offer competitive prices on all of our products.

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of Modified Starch, then EXPORTVN is the best choice for you.