Modified Tapioca Starch E1440 (BAOFLO) For Mochi

Modified Tapioca Starch E1440 (BAOFLO) For Mochi

Modified Tapioca Starch E1440, commonly known as Hydroxypropyl Starch, has the function of enhancing the tough and elastic texture of Mochi. Besides, Tapioca Starch E1440 also ensures that the mochi maintains its desirable consistency even after freezing, making it ideal for both production and storage.

1. What is Modified Starch E1440

What is Modified Tapioca Starch E1440

What is Modified Starch E1440

Modified Tapioca StarchE1440, also known as hydroxypropyl starch, is a chemically modified form of tapioca starch. It is derived from tapioca, which is obtained from the cassava plant. The modification process involves introducing hydroxypropyl groups into the starch molecules. This modification alters the physical and chemical properties of the starch, enhancing its functionality in various applications.

Properties of Modified Starch E1440

– Improved Solubility: Modified tapioca starch E1440 has better solubility in cold water compared to native starches.

– Enhanced Stability: It has improved stability against heat, acid, and shear, making it suitable for various food processing conditions.

– Freeze-Thaw Stability: The modification enhances freeze-thaw stability, reducing syneresis (water separation) in frozen and thawed products.

– Viscosity and Thickening: Provides consistent viscosity and thickening properties, making it useful in applications requiring specific texture and consistency.

– Neutral Taste and Color: It has a neutral taste and is typically white in color, which does not affect the flavor or appearance of the final product.

2. Uses of Modified Tapioca Starch E1440 for Mochi

Uses of Modified Tapioca Starch E1440 for Mochi

– Texture Improvement:

+ Chewiness: It enhances the chewiness and elasticity of mochi, providing the characteristic texture that is both soft and slightly stretchy.

+ Smooth Mouthfeel: It contributes to a smooth and creamy mouthfeel, which is desirable in mochi.

– Stability and Shelf Life:

+ Moisture Retention: Helps in retaining moisture, preventing the mochi from drying out and extending its shelf life.

+ Freeze-Thaw Stability: Improves the freeze-thaw stability of mochi, making it less prone to texture degradation when frozen and thawed.

– Consistency and Quality:

+ Consistency in Production: Provides consistent quality and texture, ensuring that each batch of mochi meets the desired standards.

+ Thickening Agent: Acts as a thickening agent, aiding in the formation of the dough and making it easier to handle during production.

– Enhanced Processing:

+ Gelatinization: Lowers the gelatinization temperature, making it easier to cook the starch and achieve the desired consistency.

+ Ease of Mixing: Improves the ease of mixing with other ingredients, ensuring a uniform distribution throughout the mochi dough.

– Flavor Preservation: Has a neutral taste, which does not interfere with the flavors of the mochi, allowing the natural or added flavors to stand out.

3. Where Should You Buy Modified Starch E1440?

Where Should You Buy Modified Starch E1440?

EXPORTVN is the best supplier of Tapioca Starch in Vietnam. We offer high-quality products at competitive prices. We also have a team of experienced professionals who can help you choose the right tapioca starch for your needs.

Here are some of the reasons why customers should choose EXPORTVN:

  • Expert advice: We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you choose the right modified tapioca starch for your needs.
  • The team strictly controls the process of raw material selection, production, and preparation of customers’ orders.
  • Lead time: 2 weeks
  • We can adjust product parameters to suit customer requirements.
  • We can mix 2-3 products in your order.
  • Competitive prices: We offer competitive prices on all of our products.

Modified Tapioca Starch E1440 (BAOFLO) For Mochi