What is Modified tapioca starch? What is application of Modified starch?

What is Modified tapioca starch? What is application of Modified starch?


What is Modified tapioca starch? What is the application of Modified tapioca starch?
This is an issue that a lot of people are concerned about.
In this post, I will help you have a detailed look at Modified tapioca starch.

1. What is Modified tapioca starch?

Modified starch


Let’s start with the question “What is Modified tapioca starch?”

Simply explained, Modified starch is a starch derived from the cassava root that has undergone physical, chemical, or enzymatic treatment to alter its properties. Some common modifications include cross-linking, acid hydrolysis, and esterification.

2. Properties of Modified tapioca starch

Modified starch is a type of starch that has been chemically or physically modified to enhance its functional properties.
Some of the properties of modified starch are:
– Improved water-holding capacity and viscosity stability
– Increased resistance to high temperature, acid, shear and freeze-thaw cycles
– Enhanced clarity, texture and flavor of food products
– Reduced retrogradation and syneresis
– Increased binding, thickening and gelling abilities
Due to these properties, Modified starch is a preferred choice for many food applications, such as sauces, dressings, and baked goods. Additionally, it is widely used in the paper, textile, and pharmaceutical industries due to its excellent binding and adhesive properties.

3. The production process of Modified tapioca starch

Modified starch production process.

The production process of modified tapioca starch involves several steps that aim to improve the properties and functionality of the native tapioca starch. The steps are as follows:
Pre-soaking: Tapioca starch is soaked in water for a certain period of time to remove impurities and other unwanted substances.
Washing: The starch is washed several times to remove any remaining impurities and to obtain a pure starch suspension.
Blending: The pure starch suspension is blended with various chemicals, depending on the desired properties of the modified starch.
Gelatinization: The blended mixture is heated to a high temperature, causing the starch to swell and gelatinize.
Modification: Different modification techniques are used to modify the starch properties, such as cross-linking, esterification, oxidation, and hydroxypropylation.
Drying: The modified starch is dried to reduce its moisture content and obtain a stable powder.
Screening: The dried starch is screened to obtain the desired particle size and remove any impurities.
Packaging: The modified tapioca starch is packaged into bags or containers and stored until further use.

Modified starch production machine

4. Application of Modified tapioca starch

I will share with you some applications of Modified tapioca starch that our company is providing.

4.1 Application of Distarch phosphate (E1412)

Distarch phosphate E1412 for Sausage

Distarch phosphate E1412 is used as a thickening agent in the structure of processed bread, noodles, and pasta products.
The main application of Distarch phosphate E1412 is to make all kinds of noodles, vermicelli noodles, marshmallows, ham, meatballs, fish balls, sausage, etc.

4.2 Application of Acetylated distarch phosphate (E1414)

Acetylated distarch phosphate E1414 for Canned food

Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414) is widely used in canned products, chili Sauce, tomato sauce, black sauce, other sauces, meatballs, fish balls, etc.
Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414) also has the advantage of superior stability of freezing-thawing of frozen products, good transparency, high stability, and good anti-degradation. Thus, Acetylated Distarch Phosphate, E1414 is used as a stabilizer, thickener, and emulsifier in food production.

4.3 Application of Acetylated starch (E1420)

Acetylated starch E1420 for Cakes

Acetylated Starch (E1420) is used to impart internal bonding strength and texture for formed potato, meat, instant noodles and vegetable products. It can also increase crispiness and reduce moisture loss in deep-fried battered and breaded foods.
Applications: Instant noodles, frozen foods, ham, sausage, fish balls, dumplings, etc.

4.4 Application of Acetylated distarch adipate (E1422)

Acetylated distarch adipate E1422 for Mayonnaise

Acetylated distarch adipate INS1422, E1422 is widely used in the food products such as mayonnaise, chili sauce, soy sauce, tomato sauce, vegetable sauce, mayonnaise, canned meat, canned fish, fish balls, jam, jelly, cupcakes, sponge cake, biscuits, pudding, yogurt, cream, etc.

4.5 Application of Hydrox propyl distarch phosphate (E1442)

Hydrox propyl distarch phosphate E1442 for Cheese

Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (E1442) is a modified tapioca starch commonly used in the food industry as a thickening agent, stabilizer, and emulsifier. It is used in a variety of food products, including soups, sauces, mayonnaise, gravies, dressings, baked goods, and confectionery items.

4.6 Application of Starch sodium octenyl succinate (E1450)

Starch sodium octenyl succinate E1450 for Perfume

Starch sodium octenyl succinate (SSOS; E 1450) is a modified starch that has emulsifying properties. It is used as a food additive in various products, such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, soups, sauces, and dietary foods for special medical purposes.

EXPORTVN CO., LTD – Natural Ingredients for Healthy Foods

Tapioca starch bag. Source: EXPORTVN Co.,LTD

EXPORTVN CO., LTD is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality Native Tapioca Starch and Modified Tapioca Starch products in Viet Nam. Our company is offering the following products: Native tapioca starch, E1404, E1412, E1414, E1420, E1422, E1450, Pregelatinized, Pre-gelatinized E1422, Cationic, Maltodextrin.

And I am Tony Phan-Export Sales Manager at EXPORTVN Co., LTD.,. EXPORTVN. What I have to do is bring you the products with the best quality at the best price.