What is resistant starch? The benefits of resistant starch for health

What is resistant starch? The benefits of resistant starch for health

Resistant starch is a type of starch that brings many health benefits.
In this article, EXPORTVN will help you learn about the benefits that resistant starch brings to your health!

1. What is resistant starch?

What is resistant starch?

Resistant starch (RS) is a form of starch that cannot be digested in the small intestine. Therefore, it is classified as a type of fiber, while slowly digestible starch will provide about 2 kcal/gram. This starch passes through the small intestine intact and is then fermented in the large intestine, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that serve as an energy source for colon cells.

This starch is commonly found in certain foods such as bananas, cassava, potatoes, grains, beans, and seeds that are commercially produced or transformed into certain food products.

2. Types of resistant starch

Currently, there are five different types as follows:

  • Type 1: is starch that is inaccessible to digestive enzymes due to physical barriers formed by cell walls and protein matrix.
  • Type 2: is a type of starch that has a special crystalline structure so it is not digested in the small intestine.
  • Type 3: is a type of starch formed when starchy foods are cooked then cooled (eg potatoes, pasta) are cooked then cooled.
  • Type 4: is a chemically modified starch formed by cross-linking, etherification or esterification.
  • Type 5: is a type of starch formed during processing, artificially produced or resistant maltodextrin that rearranges starch molecules.

3. The benefits of resistant starch

The outstanding health benefits of this starch can be listed as follows:

  • Good for the intestines
    Scientific studies show that fiber-rich starch increases short-chain fatty acids in the intestines and helps increase intestinal bacteria. In addition, slowly digestible starch can reduce colon pH, reducing intestinal inflammation and constipation.
  • Contributes to increasing body immunity
    Fiber-rich starch does not directly increase the body’s immunity. But it helps us have a healthy digestive system. Up to 70% of the immune system is concentrated in the intestinal tract. Therefore, when you have a healthy digestive system, you can certainly improve your body’s immunity.
  • Control blood sugar
    This starch combined with fiber in meals has a very good effect on balancing blood sugar. This type of starch also increases the body’s insulin sensitivity. This can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Supports weight loss and staying in shape
    Natural indigestible starch can stimulate the release of intestinal hormones that create a feeling of fullness.
    In addition, indigestible starch is more difficult to digest, so the body needs to use more energy to break it down. Non-digestible starch is helpful in weight maintenance or weight loss.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
    RS can change the bile acid metabolism of bacteria, reducing bile acid can damage bacterial DNA leading to cancer. Thanks to its ability to reduce intestinal pH, non-digestible starch helps the digestive system absorb nutrients better, preventing colon cancer.

4. Resistant tapioca starch

Resistant tapioca starch

Resistant tapioca starch is a simple replacement for traditional flour, this breakthrough fiber-rich starch is a ready-made solution to help you meet the demand for reduced-carb bakery and snack foods that taste great.
EXPORTVN’s resistant tapioca starch brings a bonus of 90% dietary fiber and supports microbiome, digestive and glycemic health. With superior processing stability and tolerance, EXPORTVN’s high-performance resistant tapioca starch can replace flour, even at high inclusion levels. It has a clean, neutral flavor.

Reference source:
1. https://nhathuoclongchau.com.vn/
2. https://www.vinmec.com/
3. https://www.adm.com/