Medicine production with modified starch E1412

Medicine production with modified starch E1412


Modified tapioca starch is a popular ingredient used in various food applications. But did you know that it can also be used in the production of medicine? Specifically Distarch Phosphate – E1412.

In this post, we will discuss the use of modified tapioca starch – Distarch Phosphate in the pharmaceutical industry and its benefits.

 Modified starch is a natural and sustainable source of starch that can be easily sourced from cassava plants. It is a gluten-free and hypoallergenic ingredient that is widely used in the food industry as a thickener, stabilizer, and binder. Its unique properties make it an excellent alternative to other starches like cornstarch or potato starch.

 In the pharmaceutical industry, modified tapioca starch is used as a binder, disintegrant, and filler in tablet formulations. Binders are used to hold the ingredients of a tablet together, while disintegrants help the tablet break down into smaller particles for better absorption. Fillers are added to increase the bulk of the tablet and improve its mechanical strength.

 One of the advantages of using modified tapioca starch in the production of medicine is its low cost compared to other binders, disintegrants, and fillers. It is also readily available in many parts of the world, making it a convenient ingredient to use in tablet formulations.

 Modified tapioca starch is also easy to work with, as it has good flowability and compressibility properties, which make it suitable for use in tablet presses. Additionally, its smooth texture and lack of taste and odor make it an ideal ingredient for tablets that need to be swallowed whole.

 Overall, modified tapioca starch is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different applications, including medicine production. Its low cost, availability, ease of use, and high purity make it an attractive choice for pharmaceutical companies looking for a natural and sustainable ingredient to use in their products. As more companies look for eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions, tapioca starch is likely to become an even more popular ingredient in medicine production in the coming years.