Alpha Pregelatinized Starch in Eel Feed

Alpha Pregelatinized Starch in Eel Feed

Alpha Pregelatinized Starch in eel feed, offers several benefits in eel feed formulations. It provides easily digestible carbohydrates, ensuring optimal energy utilization while being gentle on the eels’ digestive systems. With its binding properties and ability to improve texture and palatability, tapioca starch helps in creating consistent, appealing feed pellets. Moreover, its cost-effectiveness and reduced environmental impact make it an attractive choice for eel farming operations. Overall, tapioca starch contributes to improved growth rates, health, and performance of eels in aquaculture settings.

1. What is Alpha Pregelatinized Starch?

Alpha tapioca starch is a specific type of starch derived from the cassava plant, also known as tapioca. It is characterized by its molecular structure, consisting mainly of alpha-glucose molecules linked together in a linear arrangement. This structure makes alpha tapioca starch highly digestible and easily metabolized by organisms such as eels. It is commonly used in various industries, including food processing, due to its thickening, binding, and stabilizing properties. In eel feed formulations, alpha tapioca starch serves as a source of easily digestible carbohydrates, providing energy and promoting optimal growth and health.

One investigated approach in alpha starch is property modification via physical treatments, that is, modifications of starches imparted by physical treatments that do not result in any chemical modification of the starch. Physical treatment is  thermal treatments. Thermal treatments include those that produce pregelatinized and granular cold-water-swelling starches, heat-moisture treatments, annealing, microwave heating, so-called osmotic pressure treatment, and heating of dry starch.

Alpha Pregelatinized Starch low gelatinization temperature is soluble in normal water at 10-12 degrees Celsius, and can be dissolved in cold water. This is the reason why we should use Alpha Pregelatinized Starch in fish feed

It is a fine white powder with a larger particle size than other denatured types such as E1422, E1412, etc. α Starch has a lower viscosity than other modified grades

  • It absorbs water quickly for easy digestion hence it is used as a disintegrating agent
  • It will help to improve the flow characteristics of the mixed powder, and does not require much lubricant
  • Pregelatinized Starches are compatible with virtually all other active ingredients and additives

2. Specification of Pregelatinized Starch 


Test parameter

Unit Specifications

Min            Max

Test method


Starch % 90.0           –

ISO 10520:1997


Moisture % –                 13.0

ISO 1666:1996


Viscosity mPa.s 10000        –

 5 % NDJ-1


Fineness through

the sieve of 140 mesh

% 99.0           –

TCVN 4828-1:2009


Whiteness % 90.0           –

YQ-Z-48B (Standard)


Ash % –                 0.2

AOAC 923.03


(Impurity % –                  0.1

TCVN 4587-88


Fiber % –                 0.2

TCVN 4998:1989

9 pH 5.0             7.0

AOAC 943.02

10 SO2 mg/kg –                  10

AOAC 990.28

3. Benefit of Alpha Pregelatinized Starch in eel feed.

Benefit of Alpha Pregelatinized Starch in eel feed.

Alpha pregelatinized starch in fish feed offers several benefits in formulations as bellow:

  • Improved Digestibility: Alpha pregelatinized starch undergoes a process called pregelatinization, which breaks down the starch granules and makes them more accessible for enzymatic digestion. This results in improved digestibility for eels, allowing them to efficiently utilize the nutrients in the feed.
  • Enhanced Palatability: The pregelatinization process alters the texture of the starch, making it more palatable to eels. This can encourage increased feed intake, leading to better growth rates and overall health.
  • Binder and Pellet Integrity: Alpha pregelatinized starch in eel feed pellets can act as a binder, helping to maintain pellet integrity during handling, transportation, and feeding. This ensures that the feed remains intact and does not disintegrate prematurely, reducing waste and optimizing nutrient delivery to the eels.
  • Nutrient Stability: Pregelatinized starch can contribute to the stability of other nutrients in the feed, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. By providing a stable matrix for these nutrients, it helps to prevent nutrient degradation and ensures their availability to the eels over time.
  • Cost-effective: Incorporating alpha pregelatinized starch into eel feed formulations can be cost-effective compared to other binders or additives. Its ability to improve digestibility and pellet integrity can result in more efficient feed utilization and potentially lower feed conversion ratios, ultimately reducing overall feed costs for eel farmers.

The use of alpha pregelatinized starch in eel feed can contribute to improved feed performance, better growth rates, and enhanced profitability for eel farming operations.