Modified Tapioca Starch For Low Fat Mayonnaise

Modified Tapioca Starch For Low Fat Mayonnaise

Modified tapioca starch can be used to improve the texture, meltability, and stretchability of low fat mayonnaise.

Low-fat mayonnaise is a type of mayonnaise that contains less than 10% fat. It is often preferred by consumers who want to reduce their calorie intake or cholesterol level. However, low-fat mayonnaise can have a watery and thin texture due to the reduced amount of oil. To overcome this problem, modified tapioca starch, Tapioca Starch can be used to increase the viscosity and creaminess of low-fat mayonnaise.

Main uses of Modified Starch for Low Fat Mayonnaise

  • Improved Mouthfeel and Creaminess: One of the challenges with low-fat mayonnaise is achieving the luxurious mouthfeel and creaminess characteristic of regular mayonnaise, which is primarily due to its fat content. Modified tapioca starch effectively replicates this desirable texture by adding body and richness to the low-fat version, making it more satisfying to consume.
  • Reduced Syneresis: Syneresis refers to the separation of liquid from a gel-like substance, commonly observed as water pooling on the surface of mayonnaise. This phenomenon can be more pronounced in low-fat varieties due to the reduced fat content. Modified tapioca starch helps minimize syneresis by binding water molecules and stabilizing the structure of the mayonnaise, resulting in a smoother, more cohesive product.
  • Freeze-Thaw Stability: Another benefit of using modified starch in low-fat mayonnaise is improved freeze-thaw stability. Traditional mayonnaise can experience textural changes when subjected to freezing and thawing cycles. The incorporation of modified tapioca starch helps maintain the integrity of the product even under varying temperature conditions, making it suitable for frozen or refrigerated applications.

Which type of Tapioca Starch should you choose to make low-fat mayonnaise?

One of the modified starches that is most suitable for low-fat mayonnaise is Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate E1442 cold swelling and Sodium octenyl succinate E1450 cold swelling. This helps the starch form a stronger network around the oil and improves the stability and texture of low-fat mayonnaise.

Normally our customers will use a combination of both E1442 Pregelatinized and Modified Starch E1450 Pregelatinized for Low Fat Mayonnaise to achieve the best results for product quality and optimal production costs.

E1442 Pregelatinized: This form of Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate is pre-cooked and dried, allowing for quick dispersion and hydration in the mayonnaise mixture. E1442 contributes to the creamy texture and thickness by forming a stable network that encapsulates oil droplets, thereby preventing phase separation and improving overall stability.

Modified Starch E1450 Pregelatinized: Similarly, using pregelatinized Sodium octenyl succinate (E1450) offers distinct advantages in low-fat mayonnaise production. E1450 acts as an emulsifier, enhancing the emulsion stability and preventing the oil and water phases from breaking apart. The pregelatinized form ensures uniform dispersion and rapid thickening upon hydration, contributing to the desired viscosity and mouthfeel of the low-fat mayonnaise.

By combining E1442 and E1450 pregelatinized starches, manufacturers can achieve synergistic effects that optimize both product quality and production efficiency:

  • Enhanced Stability: The combination of these modified starches creates a robust network that effectively stabilizes the emulsion, ensuring long-lasting homogeneity and preventing phase separation during storage and distribution.
  • Improved Texture: The pregelatinized starches contribute to the desired creamy texture and thickness of low-fat mayonnaise without the need for excessive fat content. This results in a smoother, more indulgent mouthfeel that closely resembles traditional full-fat mayonnaise.
  • Cost Optimization: Utilizing a blend of E1442 and E1450 pregelatinized starches allows manufacturers to achieve the desired product characteristics while optimizing production costs. The rapid hydration and functionality of these starches streamline processing and reduce overall manufacturing time and energy consumption.