Pregelatinized Starches

Pregelatinized Starches

Pregelatinized Starches is a type of modified starch by physical methods derived from corn, potatoes, wheat, tapioca – cassava roots. Alpha starch – Pregelatinized Starches are widely used in the food industry, animal feed, pharmaceutical industry, heavy industry,….


Pregelatinized starch is used a lot in our daily lives, in dishes and foods such as:

Food industry: Pregelatinized starch is used as a thickener or stabilizer in food products such as puddings, soup mixes, candies, baby foods, cakes, confectionery, desserts and confectionery. milk drink, frozen food, functional drink, powdered food, sauce, beverage

 In cosmetic industry: Alpha starch is used as an additive ingredient in cosmetic products. It uses as a capsule diluent, as a binder and allows the starch to absorb water easily and helps the tablets dissolve properly.

 In the feed industry: Pregelatinized Starch is easily soluble in water, quickly absorbed, so it is used as a thickener, binder in animal feed and aqua feed.

In other industry: Alpha starch is used as stabilizer, additive in plastics and heavy industry